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Maximum Laser Rifle Dmg

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  1. Trw Systems Laser Rifle
  2. Maximum Laser Rifle Dmg Download

New improved machine concept

From what I can see, the 6C Laser Musket does more damage per shot, going at 50 x 6 = 300 dmg. On the other end, the highest I can get a non-unique Laser Sniper Rifle is about 129 dmg. So, damage wise, the Laser Musket is much better for bursting, but, the Sniper is much more efficient. Dec 20, 2016  This LaserMax laser is designed to work exclusively with Ruger 10/22 Rifle models featuring a barrel band. The bright red 635 nm continuous wave laser is visible out to 100 yards in good lighting conditions and is pre-aligned at 25 yards, but can be easily adjusted for windage and elevation when necessary.

  • Fibre laser with 100 W (1.000 kHz) and new, compact laser head design for +189 mm in Z
  • Fast Scan Mode for similar texturing quality also at high scanning speeds
  • High speed Z-Shifter for shorter cycle times with scanning speed up to 5 m/s (theoretically 30m/s on surface)

Individual and demanding 3D-textures in free form surfaces of injection molds

  • Highest repeatability and contour accuracy
  • Different laser sources for various applications
  • Excellent contour sharpness as well as an optimal reproducability
  • Surface structers without environmentally harmful etching

Laser ablation and surface texturing with established monoBLOCK design

  • Most compact and stable laser ablation machine in monoBLOCK-design with integrated NC-swivel-/ rotray table
  • Highest stability and lonterm accuracy, cooled drives and direct measuring systems in all axes

Trw Systems Laser Rifle

Fabricated Sniper Rifle
This semi-automatic rifle has less punch than a Longneck Rifle, but can be fired much more rapidly.
Type Gun
Ammo used Advanced Sniper Bullet (100)
Ranged damage 165 ()
Rate of fire 3.3 RPS
Magazine size 8
Reload time 04.24 seconds
DPS 198.1 / 544.5 ()
Weight 25.0
Durability 70.0 (1 per shot)
Added in v218.0
Spawn Command
cheat giveitemnum 436 1 0 0
cheat GFI MachinedSniper 1 0 0
cheat giveitem 'Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/CoreBlueprints/Weapons/PrimalItem_WeaponMachinedSniper.PrimalItem_WeaponMachinedSniper' 1 0 0
Required level Level 83
Engram Points 36 EP
Crafting XP 468 XP
Crafting Time 15s
Crafted in Fabricator
Tek Replicator
Required Stations
Resources breakdown
115 × Polymer, Organic Polymer, or Corrupted Nodule
110 × Cementing Paste or Achatina Paste

The Fabricated Sniper Rifle is a ranged weapon, a more advanced version of the Longneck Rifle. It uses Advanced Sniper Bullet for ammo. While it doesn't do as much damage per shot as the Longneck (165 damage compared to the Longneck's 280) it can be fired 8 times before needing to be reloaded.


The weapon has an excellent burst DPS, just some points shy of the destructive Pump-Action Shotgun. Also, considering how ammunition makes for most of the cost while using a weapon, it is indeed cheaper to use than the Assault Rifle, while retaining a high yet manageable recoil because of the lower firerate. Finally, unlike shotguns, it is effective at all ranges possible. To compensate, this weapon has a very long reload time for its small 8 round magazine and a fast durability drain, making sustained fire an unwise option. Moreover, it expels an absolute number of projectiles (remember that shotguns fire multiple pellets) at a much slower pace than any other fabricated weapon, reducing the chances to hit a moving target when used by less skilled survivors.

It is also the most expensive to craft and therefore requires much more materials to produce in mass and obtain high crafting bonuses.

Maximum Laser Rifle Dmg Download

Notes[edit | edit source]

  • While the Fabricated Sniper Rifle has a base damage of 165, all creatures aside from Humans take only 70% damage from guns. This means that the Rifle only does around 115 damage to creatures.
  • This weapon comes with a built-in scope that doesn't use up the attachment slot, effectively allowing for it to have two attachments.
  • The durability drain per shot makes this an expensive weapon to keep repaired.
  • This is a good alternative to the Longneck Rifle. Its power comes from its ability to fire rapidly which makes it less punishable for players with bad aim, although it is also more expensive to maintain.

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • The Fabricated Sniper Rifle resembles a cross of a Modern Dragunov SVD and a M14 EBR.
For a side-by-side comparison of all weapons, see the Weapons page! For a comparison of reload and draw times, see Weapon Mechanics!
Spear • Pike • Lance • Club • Sword (Tek) • Electric Prod • Shield (Wooden, Metal, Riot, Tek)
Bola • Bow (Compound) • Crossbow • Flare Gun • Slingshot • Boomerang
Pistol (Fabricated) • Shotgun (Pump-Action) • Longneck Rifle • Assault Rifle • Fabricated Sniper Rifle • Tek • Tek Railgun • Harpoon Launcher • Flamethrower • Charge Lantern
Flashlight • Holo-Scope • Laser • Scope • Silencer
Bullet (Simple, Advanced) • Shotgun Ammo (Simple) • Rifle Ammo (Simple, Advanced) • Sniper Bullet (Advanced)
Stone • Arrow (Stone, Tranq, Metal, Flame) • Grappling Hook • Zip-Line Anchor • Tranquilizer Dart (Shocking) • Pheromone Dart • Spear Bolt (Tranq) • Chain Bola • Boulder • Cannon Ball
Charge Battery • Element • Element Shard • Flamethrower Ammo • Gasoline
Pick (Stone, Metal, Climbing) • Hatchet (Stone Hatchet, Metal) • Metal Sickle • Chainsaw • Pliers • Torch • Glow Stick • Lasso • Whip • Taxidermy Tool
Auto Turret (Heavy) • Ballista Turret • Catapult Turret • Minigun Turret • Plant Species X • Cannon • Rocket Turret • Tek Turret
C4 Detonator (C4 Charge) • Water Mine • IED • Grenade (Smoke, Poison, Cluster, Tek, Tek Gravity) • Plant Species Z Fruit • Rocket Launcher (RPG, Homing Missile) • Cannon Shell • Rocket Pod
Bear Trap • Large Bear Trap • Tripwire Alarm • Tripwire Narcotic • Plant Species Y Trap • Oil Jar
Scout Remote • Unassembled Enforcer • Unassembled Mek
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